Development of Gyro Motor ( GA7/30A-2M) intended for use in Gunner Sight TPDK-1 of Tank T-72.


Gyro Motor, GA7/30A-2M is intended for use in Gunner Sight TPDK-1 of Tank T-72. This 3ϕ-Asynchronous Gyro Motor rotates at high rpm of approx. 27900 which is utilized for providing stabilized field of view (FOV) (gyroscopic stabilization) to the tank crew irrespective of the movement of Tank in rough terrain. The motor is installed in a gymbal frame and the gymbal-motor assembly (called stabilizer assembly) is then mounted in the sight. A mirror is suspended to the stabilizer assembly with linkages. Once power is supplied to the stabilizer system, the motor attains desired rpm within 3 mins. After this the stabilizer system can be unlocked and the mirror-stabilizer system provides a stabilized FOV to the tank crew.