Integrated M-SAR Incident Management and Op Planning Software.


  • ICG has been entrusted with duties of nodal agency for coordination of Maritime Search & Rescue in the ISRR as well as larger IOR/Indo-Pacific Region. The region witnesses large number of merchant traffic, fishing, small vessels and air traffic, coupled with increased frequency of cyclonic disturbances increase likelihood of threat to life/property.
  • Analysis, Collation, Fusion and Management of large number of merchant, fishing, small vessels aviation traffic data on single GIU and utilizing the same for SAR/maritime incident management requires integration of many databases and in-house Incident Management Software.
  • Besides, an Integrated Planning software with Met/Oceanic and Topographical oceanic inputs as well as maritime traffic databases would optimize the planning of search areas/search patterns, identifying SRUs, accurate and timely dispatch of Search and Rescue Services to mariners in Distress including fishermen at sea. Similar software have been developed in-house by foreign countries for Coast Guards in collaboration with IT companies such as SAROPs, SAR Master 600, BMT SARIS.

Future Expectation from the prototype / Technology developed

  1. The software can be integrated with real-time inputs and AI from SRUs, On Scene Coordinators, and Surveillance Units for Real Time Management of SAR Operation. The technology would assist in realizing aims of digitization, meta-data analytics, integration of AI, UAVs and technology in saving lives.
  2. It will serve the larger obligations and commitment of India under the SAR Convention, 1979 and UNCLOS.