Wireless Boarding Camera set for VBSS (Visit, Board, Search and Seizure) in Indian Coast Guard Ships


Indian Coast Guard is a maritime law enforcement (Anti-poaching /Anti-narcotics /Anti-Human trafficking ops) and Search & Rescue agency of India with jurisdiction over MZI. The surface platforms are immensely responsible for majority of the above activities and they are carried out through dedicated boarding teams. Presently, only radio sets i.e. walkie-talkie are the only source of communication (Voice) between boarding teams and mother ship.

Presently, the scenario onboard the boarded vessel cannot be ascertained through any visual aids. Therefore, Provision of a live relay of the events during the course of boarding is considered to be essential. Hence, a live streaming of events are relayed through an IP camera held with Boarding officer (BO) for clear Surpic and adding on to the flawless boarding operations at sea.

Future Expectation from the prototype / Technology developed

  1. The prototype may be expanded to include microphone to enable audio/video coverage.
  2. The camera transmission may be integrated with ship’s VDR unit to provide recording of the same which might help in future processing and collation of data.
  3. Expansion of range of wireless transmission using high power transmitters.
  4. Use of low weight to power ratio battery pack.