To design and develop a road mobile tethered aerostat system with radar and communication relay for 80-120km coverage.

Low-level coverage of radars and communication equipment is limited due to radio line of sight. The antenna elevation is one of the factors to increase radio line of sight. A portable system with an aerostat or similar technology that can provide low-level coverage for 80-120 km with radar and radio communication equipment is required. The Challenge entails design, development, and testing of aerostat with radar and radio communication equipment: (a) Aerostat or any similar technology with 2000-5000 ft operational height (AGL). (b) Road mobile on a vehicle up to 15000 ft altitude (AMSL) with all accessories, tether, power generators. (c) Integrated payload of radar for tracking, locating, ID, and recording of aerial objects. With display console, recorder, primary and secondary radar modes, integrated IFF capability with facility to integrate with IAF systems. (d) Radio communication over Air Band VHF and UHF, with facility to integrate with IAF systems. (e) Data connectivity to integrate IAF systems for radio communication and radar data feeding. (f) Tethering mechanism to operate up to 40 kts of winds. (g) Integral weather sensors for warning generation to the system in case of weather hazards. (h) Must be able to maintain position without probability of damage to the tethering mechanism in different weather conditions. (i) System should have a mechanism to remain operational in case of limited damage caused to tether, aerostat, or power supply. (j) Stabilization mechanism for payloads. (k) Operational with minimal crew to operate the system. (l) All interface control documents, and connectivity modules must be available to IAF for future expansion without any vendor lock. (m) Vehicle must be able to travel with the system over rugged terrain with full equipment load. (n) Time to become operational must be less than two hours at any location, similar time to winch down/deflate the system and ready to move to a new location.
